
Friday, October 28, 2011

Awassi Fat Tail Sheep - Ram Titan

I was going through some photos I took while working with the Awassi sheep in Australia and thought I would share a few images. The big Ram (3rd picture) is "Titan" and he is a fine specimen of a pure bread Awassi Fat Tail.

I will be posting some additional photos as I come across them in my archives. We also have some new videos we took last week of Dr. Blackwell performing embroy transfers. While thoes videos are dedicated to the East Friesians I will post here as well as the information is applicable to all sheep breeds.

Thanks from Karras Farm.
Andy Karras

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Awassi Fat Tail Sheep

Awassi Fat Tail Sheep

To all of our readers at we thank you for encouraging us to expand our blogs and information on sheep breeding history and facts.

With your persistence I have decided to provide a blog dedicated to the Awassi Sheep breed which has fascinated me for some time. These Awassi Fat Tail Sheep have wonderful genetics. Awassi Sheep provide some of the world’s best sheep meat and milk chemistry.

We will start by posting some of the history of the Awassi Fat Tail Sheep over the coming weeks.

I have had the privilege to work with Awassi sheep in Australia and although there are no Awassi sheep in the United States to date I felt this breed deserved some attention due to their beauty and highly sought after genetics overseas.

Thanks again for your continued support!

Andy Karras