
Monday, June 24, 2013

Awassi Sheep Photos - Awassi Fat Tail Breeder Karras Farm USA

Awassi Sheep Photos

We have been very busy at Karras Farm preparing our sheep for transport and placing lambs around the country. We will be posting some informative blog posts in the very near future but for now we would like to share some recent photos of the Awassi Fat Tail Sheep. The Awassi sheep continue to amaze me with their hearty nature and resistance to medical issues other sheep breeds are more prone to contract.

Thank you all for continuing to stay in touch and please feel free to ask questions or comment on the blog. 


Andy Karras


  1. Thank You for sharing photos and videos of the Awassi and Assaf as they grow.
    I would love to see photos and videos of udder and teat development for hand milking and one being milked.

    Watching Awassi & Assaf grow from
    San Antonio, Tx.

  2. Lesslea GosswillerAugust 7, 2013 at 1:53 PM

    I just wanted to check in and say we love our Assaf sheep! Not only did they make it across the country with such vigor, but they are so friendly and manageable as we approach breeding season. Our ram, Johnny, is a sweet young guy and the girls, Caroline, Penelope and Lamby are developing great as well. We even took Lamby in the minivan to church a few Sundays ago as a hands on shepherd experience :-) These truly are a great homesteader breed.
